# JSSDK(agentConfig)

wx.agentConfig() is used for some specific interfaces (e.g. approval stream interface, clipboard interface, etc.), but generally the prerequisites need to be used first with the regular JSSDK (refer to the [JSSDK (Regular)] tag), so this is an addition.

The wx.agentConfig() is also divided into two parts, server-side and client-side.

# Server-side getting signature information

The backend, in addition to the backend's JSSDKHelper.GetJsSdkUiPackageAsync() method to get the parameters needed to run the regular JSSDK, also needs to use the same method, passing in different parameters to get the corresponding parameters for agetntConfig:

public async Task<ActionResult> AgentConfig()
    //This demonstrates the support of multiple apps registration at the same time, please refer to appsettings.json file.
    var workSetting = Senparc.Weixin.Config.SenparcWeixinSetting["Enterprise Weixin Approval"] as ISenparcWeixinSettingForWork; var workSetting = Senparc.Weixin.Config.
    var url = "https://sdk.weixin.senparc.com/Work/Approval";

    // Get the UI information package

    /* Caution:
    * jsApiUiPackage is required for all applications
    var jsApiTicket = await JsApiTicketContainer.GetTicketAsync(workSetting.WeixinCorpId, workSetting.WeixinCorpSecret, false);
    var jsApiUiPackage = await JSSDKHelper.GetJsApiUiPackageAsync(workSetting.WeixinCorpId, workSetting.WeixinCorpSecret, url, jsApiTicket, false);
    ViewData["jsApiUiPackage"] = jsApiUiPackage;

    /* Notes:
    * 1, here you need to use WeixinCorpAgentId, not WeixinCorpId
    * 2, agentJsApiUiPackage whether need to provide, please refer to the official document, here demonstrates the most complex case
    ViewData["thirdNo"] = DateTime.Now.Ticks + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("n");
    ViewData["corpId"] = workSetting.WeixinCorpId;
    ViewData["agentId"] = workSetting.WeixinCorpAgentId;
    var agentConfigJsApiTicket = await JsApiTicketContainer.GetTicketAsync(workSetting.WeixinCorpId, workSetting.WeixinCorpSecret, true);
    var agentJsApiUiPackage = await JSSDKHelper.GetJsApiUiPackageAsync(workSetting.WeixinCorpId, workSetting.WeixinCorpSecret, url, workSetting.WeixinCorpId, workSetting.WeixinCorpSecret, url, agentConfigJsApiTicket, true);
    ViewData["agentJsApiUiPackage"] = agentJsApiUiPackage;

    return View();

Note: The above method uses the

Senparc.Weixin.Config.SenparcWeixinSetting["Enterprise Weixin Approval"]

to get a different Weixin configuration from the previous one, please refer to this project's


file for the setting method:

"Items": {
// Add multiple Enterprise WeChat apps
"Enterprise Weixin Approval": {
 "WeixinCorpId": "#{WeixinCorpId2}#",
 "WeixinCorpAgentId": "#{WeixinCorpAgentId2}#",
 "WeixinCorpSecret": "#{WeixinCorpSecret2}#",
 "WeixinCorpToken": "#{WeixinCorpToken2}#",
 "WeixinCorpEncodingAESKey": "#{WeixinCorpEncodingAESKey2}#"}

This method is also common to all other modules (e.g. Public, Applet, Weixin Pay, etc.).

Reference file for this project:

/Controllers/JSSDKnController.cs - AgentConfig() method


# Configuring the JSSDK on the web side

In addition to the usual JSSDK configuration, the web side needs to add wx.agentConfig()'' configuration before executing specific JsApi methods:

function invoke(){
        corpid: '@ViewData["corpId"]', // mandatory, the corpid of the enterprise wx, must be the same as the currently logged in enterprise
        agentid: '@ViewData["agentId"]', // mandatory, the application id of enterprise weibo (e.g. 1000247)
        timestamp: @agentJsApiUiPackage.Timestamp
        nonceStr: '@agentJsApiUiPackage.NonceStr', // Mandatory, random string to generate the signature
        signature: '@agentJsApiUiPackage.Signature', // mandatory, signature, see Appendix - JS-SDK Signature Algorithm for Using Permissions
        jsApiList: ['thirdPartyOpenPage'], // Required, pass in the name of the interface to be used
        success: function(res) {// Callback
​        wx.invoke('thirdPartyOpenPage', {"oaType": "10001",// String// "templateId": "C4NxepvGj51gbkeGXHQgYRArW96WrxRinNfyCxo7N",// SYS"templateId": "247bcb886d0374a0a1f749c52794ba1a_622421053",// Open"thirdNo": "",// String"extData": {
​                'fieldList': [{
​                    'title': 'Approval Type', // String "extData": { 'fieldList': [{ 'title': 'Approval Type', {
​                    'type': 'text',
​                    'value': 'Article Approval',},{
​                    'title': 'Preview',
​                    'type': 'link',
​                    'value': 'https://weixin.senparc.com',}]}},function(res) {// Output the interface's callback information
​            console.log(res);alert('wx.invoke result:'+JSON.stringify   (res));});
    fail: function(res)  { // output console.if(res.errMsg.indexOf('function not exist') > -1)
        {alert('Version too low, please upgrade')}else
        {alert('wx.invoke fail:'+JSON.stringify(res));}}

HTML page to trigger: <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="invoke()">Click to invoke the approval process</a>.

Reference document for this project:
