JSSDK is used to provide WeChat's built-in browser interface capabilities, such as forwarding control, calling camera permissions (photo, video), file uploading, closing windows, evoking code scanning windows, and so on.

To use JSSDK only in the built-in browser, there are two steps: "Getting signature information on the server side" and "Configuring JSSDK on the web side".

# Server-side signature retrieval

The backend can automatically get all the JSSDK parameters needed by the frontend by using the JSSDKHelper.GetJsSdkUiPackageAsync() method:

public async Task Index()
    var jssdkUiPackage = await JSSDKHelper.GetJsSdkUiPackageAsync(appId, appSecret, Request)
    return View(jssdkUiPackage);

Reference file for this project: /Controllers/WeixiJSSDKnController.cs

# Configure JSSDK on web side

Parameters configured in the back-end can be set directly in the front-end JS using wx.config, for example, the following code will customise the title and image of the forwarded message when forwarding a web page:

        debug: false, // 开启调试模式
        appId: '@Model.AppId', // 必填,公众号的唯一标识
        timestamp: '@Model.Timestamp', // 必填,生成签名的时间戳
        nonceStr: '@Model.NonceStr', // 必填,生成签名的随机串
        signature: '@Model.Signature',// 必填,签名
        jsApiList: [

    wx.error(function (res) {

    wx.ready(function () {
        var url = 'https://sdk.weixin.senparc.com';
        var link = url + '/';
        var imgUrl = url + '/images/v2/ewm_01.png';

            title: 'JSSDK朋友圈转发测试',
            link: link,
            imgUrl: imgUrl,
            success: function () {
            cancel: function () {
            title: 'JSSDK朋友圈转发测试',
            desc: '转发给朋友',
            link: link,
            imgUrl: imgUrl,
            type: 'link',
            dataUrl: '',
            success: function () {
            cancel: function () {

Tip: Passing a ViewModel in MVC needs to be defined at the top of the .cshtml file:

@model Senparc.Weixin.MP.Helpers.JsSdkUiPackage

Reference file for this project:


For more setting details, please refer to: JS-SDK description document (opens new window).